6 Things to do before setting up your first campaign
If you’re new to search marketing SEO Wellington and Google Ads and feel like a lost child in a busy market trying to understand how the ad platform works or how setting up an account and campaigns function, you’re right about where I was six months ago. I had no idea what terms like PPC or Search Marketing even meant. After I was hired as the content manager at Optmyzr, I had to go in, master all of this, and then write about it for their article!
1. Know your audience
Before creating your Google Ads, you need to understand your audience. Talk with people and ask them questions – it’s a great way to know how they think!
Below are things to be considered before understanding the audience.
1.1 Understand the market
Entrepreneurs should set their sites on the needs of prospective customers and pinpoint the audience’s need for a solution to a product or service.
1.2 Understand product-market fit
Once you know your business, competitors and audience well, you need to understand how your products or services fulfil the needs of your current and potential customers. Once you understand that, you can bank on it to advertise your business.
2. Learn the basics of Google Ads
Going in without any knowledge of Google Ads and terms such as AdWords, Campaigns, Keywords, Bidding, Costs ETC might make your experience of creating your first campaign quite overwhelming. And if you are completely new to AdWords and need more basic courses to start building your own Google Ads campaign, then Google Skillshop has put together some great resources that could help you out. These were some of the first courses I took before starting my own AdWords accounts!
3. Have a clear Account Structure
Even after understanding what product-market fit is and getting the basics of Google Adwords right, the Google ads interface can look tricky. However, when it comes to sorting your incoming advertisement campaigns, this is something very easy to do. Categorizing your ads in such a way makes it much easier for you to know when they are triggered and where they appear. After all, an organized cabinet, always sorted by topic, is easier to navigate than one filled with random articles, right?
4. Identify the right keywords for your ads
When performing a conversion optimization, you need not just throw your ideas at the wall and see what sticks. You need to work in tandem with people who can help you get ideas and make sure they are profitable and beneficial rather than random. We recommend forming a small cross-functional team with some of your most creative brains working together towards a goal where everyone has something to gain, and there is no end!
5. Understand Audience Targeting
This section was probably one of the most confusing ones for me. The rest of the guide reveals how a “complete beginner” would go about Facebook ads creation. So it’s understandable that any newbie reading this post would be confused about this section, if not slightly sceptical about how useful/applicable what they’re going to read here will be in their situation.
6. Understand what conversions are and why conversion tracking is important
Google Ads has a lot to consider when setting goals. To make it easier for your product managers, they have created a list of conversion objectives based on their ideas. When you work with Google, they will ask you what your goals are and based on this category (known as objective), they will help you get more sales or online traffic or set you up with the right team.
Visit our website to hire a Startup Marketing Consultant or a digital expert; We have many experts for the same at our Google Ads Agency.
Source URL: https://ambitious.nz/pay-per-click-marketing