6 Fascinating Applications of Data Science in 2023
Data Science is a hot field today impacting almost every industry. Thanks to data science, companies are now clever enough to push and sell products based on client interest and purchasing power.
They control our minds and hearts in the following ways:
Speech Recognition
Google Voice, Siri, Cortana, and other speech recognition products are some of the best examples. Even if you cannot compose a message, you can continue living your life by using the speech recognition feature. To convert a message to text, speak it out loud. You would soon discover that speech recognition occasionally doesn’t work correctly.
Websites that compare prices
These websites are fundamentally powered by vast amounts of data retrieved through APIs and RSS Feeds. If you have ever used one of these websites, you are aware of how convenient it is to compare a product’s price among various merchants in one location. Price comparison websites include PriceGrabber, PriceRunner, Junglee, Shopzilla, and DealTime, to name a few. Price comparison websites may be found in practically every industry nowadays, including technology, hospitality, vehicles, durable goods, fashion, etc.
Detection of fraud and risk
One of the earliest uses of data science came from the field of finance. Businesses were sick of suffering losses and bad debts year after year. However, they had a lot of information gathered during the initial paperwork process for loan approval. They decided to implement data science techniques to prevent more losses. Banking businesses have developed the ability to divide and conquer data through customer profiling, historical purchases, and other crucial criteria to estimate the likelihood of risk and default. Additionally, it enabled them to market its banking services based on the purchasing power of its customers. For further information, check out this popular Data analytics course in Delhi, co-powered by IBM.
Transport logistics
Who says that data science just has a few uses? Data science has been employed by logistics organizations like DHL, FedEx, UPS, and Kuhne+Nagel to increase operational effectiveness. These businesses have used data science to identify the most cost-effective shipping routes, delivery windows, and modes of transportation, among numerous other benefits. Additionally, the data these businesses produce due to the GPS technology installed gives them a wealth of data science exploration opportunities.
With the use of data science, EA Sports, Zynga, Sony, Nintendo, and Activision-Blizzard have elevated the game experience. In today’s games, machine learning algorithms are used to provide upgrades and improvements as the player advances through the game’s levels. In motion gaming, your adversary (the computer) also studies your prior moves and adjusts your game accordingly.
Image Identification
When you post an image on Facebook with friends, you start to receive recommendations to tag your pals. Face recognition software is used in this automatic tag recommendation feature. Similarly to this, when using WhatsApp Web, you use your mobile device to scan a barcode on your web browser. Additionally, Google gives you the option to upload images to search for. It makes use of image recognition while offering relevant search results. Check out this fascinating Data science course in Delhi, designed by industry experts. Know the in-demand tech skills and prepare for your career.