5 Simple Ways to Keep your teeth healthy
We all know that a smile is the first thing people notice about us. However, it’s also a reflection of our overall health and well-being. A healthy smile can impact how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves.
According to the American Dental Association, one-third of all adults in the United Arab Emirates are dissatisfied with their dental health. Issues like Pain, discomfort, poor breath, and receding gums all impact our health, and in many ways, they can also negatively impact our lives.
Here are five easy ways to keep your smile healthy and clean
1) Eliminate E-Cigs
E-cigarettes have become increasingly popular in recent years, but there is still much we still need to learn about their long-term effects. One potential area of concern is their impact on oral health. Although e-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco, they still contain other harmful chemicals that can affect your teeth and gums.
E-cigarettes can cause gum disease by affecting the bacteria in your mouth. These devices also increase your risk of developing cavities and tooth decay. In addition, the nicotine in e-cigarettes can damage your gums and make them more susceptible to infection.
If you use e-cigarettes, it’s important to take good care of your oral health. Be sure to brush and floss regularly.
2) Choose Fiber
Diet is one of the most important factors determining our teeth’ health. Eating foods high in fiber can help to prevent tooth decay, plaque buildup and gum disease. Fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes benefit oral health because they provide bacteria-fighting compounds and minerals to keep plaque at bay.
3) Make Time to De-Stress
It is important to be aware of stress’s effects on our health and hygiene. Stress can cause a person to have increased anxiety and sleep problems, and it may also cause tooth grinding and jaw clenching. According to research, those who take time to de-stress are more likely to live healthy lives and have good teeth.
4) Drink Tea
Tea is a drink that most people enjoy because it has many benefits to offer, one of them being that it can help keep your teeth healthy. Tea contains fluoride, which helps prevent cavities and tooth decay by preventing bacteria from building up on the surface of your teeth.
Tea also has antioxidants which are good for the body’s overall health and protect against teeth.
5) Brush Your Teeth
Brushing and flossing your teeth is a simple habit that can help you to remove plaque and food particles, which can lead to tooth decay.
The American Dental Association recommends brushing at least twice a day, with fluoride toothpaste, and flossing once a day. The ADA also recommends using an antibacterial mouthwash to kill bacteria in the mouth.