4 Things To Do With Used Coffee Grinds
We all enjoy an excuse to have another cup of delicious joe. You can get the finest coffee beans from Keffa Coffee, one of the best El Salvador coffee importers in the USA. However, we can make the most of our brew after consuming it by using the coffee waste appropriately. Surprisingly, our daily cup of coffee is more than a morning pick-me-up. As it happens, the enjoyment of coffee does not have to end after you’ve sipped the last drop. You can expect so much more from those used coffee grounds. So, before you throw away the used coffee grinds, you might want to rethink and try the following things with them!
Use as a pest repellent
Caffeine is an excellent beverage. Most of us enjoy it as it helps freshen our minds and provides a much-needed boost! Bugs, on the other hand, detest it. The more caffeine a tree contains, the less likely it is that insects will eat its seeds and leaves. The aromas and the tiny fumes emanating from the ground coffee are the ideal all-natural insect repellent once they have been roasted and ground.
Place some coffee grounds in the open to keep the flies and wasps at bay. If you scatter some around ant colonies, the ants won’t come close. What’s even better is you can set the coffee grounds on fire to burn like incense. Mosquitos, midges, and other bothersome insects will stay away thanks to this.
Fertilize your garden
The essential nutrients necessary for the best plant growth are typically absent from soil. Furthermore, as they grow, plants draw nutrients from the soil, depleting it in the process. As a result, fertilizing is usually necessary for gardens to give plants the sustenance they require.
These are some essential minerals found in coffee grounds: nitrogen, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and chromium. They might also aid in absorbing harmful heavy metals from the soil. Coffee grounds also draw worms, which are beneficial to your garden. Spread coffee grounds on the soil around your plants to use them as fertilizer.
Hair exfoliant
Coffee works well as a hair exfoliant, similar to a body scrub. It prepares your hair for cleaning by catching and removing any oils and dirt before you wash it with shampoo. The advantage of using used coffee grounds is that it does not have coffee oils. As a result, the residual grinds will absorb and remove the hair’s oils, preparing it for cleaning.
Tenderize meat
Meat has a hard texture because it is made of proteins and muscle fibers. It can be made softer by tenderizing it. Three natural meat tenderizers are acids, enzymes, and salt. Coffee’s ability to tenderize meat is largely due to the presence of natural acids and enzymes. Coffee’s acidity can help improve the meat’s flavor. Add some used coffee grounds into your preferred dry-rub sauce, then soak the meat for 2 hours before cooking. The coffee will cook and develop a dark, crispy texture.
Keffa Coffee is a well-known green coffee distributor in Baltimore, MD. They offer high-quality coffee beans from the best producers. You can reach out to them by calling 877.213.8565.