4 stages of competence for achieving success
4 stages of competence:
1. Stage 1 – Unconscious Incompetence: In this stage, the person does not know that he does not know. Rahul does not know that he is incompetent in playing guitar. He does not even feel the need to learn guitar because he does not recognize his incompetence, and he thinks he knows it all and has enough knowledge. He thinks because he loves guitar and has a strong intention to become a guitarist, he can easily become one, and it will not take him much time to become a successful guitarist. Only when Rahul recognizes his incompetence and the need to learn the skill will he move to the next stage.
2. Stage 2 – Conscious Incompetence: In this stage, the person knows that he does not know. Rahul understands that he lacks the skill and expertise in playing guitar and realizes the value of learning it. He also realizes that it takes a lot of time and effort to build the skill and become an expert guitarist. Most aspirants give up at this stage after this realization and think it’s not their cup of tea, or they procrastinate. Only a few people, who are willing to put the hard work and learn, move to the next stage.
3. Stage 3- Conscious Competence: In this stage, the person knows that he knows. Rahul gains some learning in playing guitar, and he can play the guitar, but it takes a lot of time and effort to play. It feels challenging to play guitar, and there is anxiety and uncertainty. It feels imperfect, taxing, and full of effort. Questions like – “can I ever play guitar properly?” might surface, and there are chances of feeling demotivated. Some people give up at this stage. Only someone with a strong mindset and who spends enough time with patience and discipline in this stage can move to the next stage.
4. Stage 4 – Unconscious Competence: In this stage, the person does not know that he knows. This is the stage of mastery. Rahul plays guitar effortlessly and like a pro. People think he is gifted and talented. Playing guitar becomes his second nature, and he becomes an inspiration to others. He becomes super successful because of the mastery he gained in playing guitar. He is called an expert guitarist.
These are the four stages of competence. All the great companies, super-achievers operate in the fourth stage of competence, and it takes them years of hard work, discipline, effort to reach stage 4. It does not happen by some stroke of luck or magic.
Below 4 principles are required while travelling on the path of competence.
1. Consistent and mindful action – Consistent action is needed to gain mastery. Dabbling now and then will not give the expertise.
2. Aligning your skills with your intention –Your intention and skills you are trying to build should match. If you intend to become a super successful author, you should work on building your writing and marketing skills rather than on something else.
3. Working through various stages of competence with patience – Patience is important on this journey of competence.
4. A positive mindset – This helps you to stay motivated when challenges are faced on the journey. Some days, it feels as if nothing is gained even after putting efforts, and it feels tempting to give up. A positive mindset will help you sail through such inner storms.
This is how masters are made. We all have in it us to become a master in our area of interest and great levels of achieving success. Nothing in the world can stop us from achieving success when we build our competence. Building competence is in your own hands.
Build your competence and build your success.