3 Things To Consider Over Packaged Drinking Water Price
Increasingly, health and lifestyle conscious consumers are opting for packaged drinking water is preferred over tap water or water purified at home for several reasons. These range from its impact on varied health-related concerns to the sheer on-the-go convenience it offers. Naturally, packaging drinking water comes at a price. However, consumers often mistake attaching this price to its water content and not the overall value that packaged drinking water offers as a health and lifestyle product. In this process, they often end up short changing themselves and opting for the seemingly cheapest packaged drinking water bring on the shelf. This is because they are not aware about the factors that going in delivering packaged drinking water that isn’t just pure, but actually safe and healthy for both, people and the planet.
Here are some important things to consider to arrive at the value instead of just calculating the packaged drinking water’s price.
Impact on health
Here’s a fact – not all packaging drinking water that comes with a price tag is safe or beneficial for your family’s health. This is due to two reasons – the purification process can impact the essentials salts and minerals present in the water, and secondly, packaged water doesn’t imply purified or processed water.
Shocking as it may seem, not all packaged drinking water undergoes treatment that makes it safe for your family’s consumption. Hence, you need to carefully read your packaged drinking water’s label for more than just its price. You need to read what it says about sourcing, processing, and packaging. In some instances, it may seem that the water has simply been collected from a natural reservoir and packaged for your convenience. While this isn’t always dangerous, depending on how pristine the source of collection, it is important that you are aware of the same.
Next, when it comes to purified water, you need to be aware that some levels of good TDS have been retained in the packaged water, for which you are willing to pay a price. This is because in cases of purification processes such as RO, even essential and beneficial solvents are lost.
All of these possibilities need to be viewed in context of their impact on the quality of water, and how it can impact your health.
Assured convenience and hydration
As obvious it may seem, you need to understand that you aren’t just paying for water when you evaluate packaged drinking water’s price; you are paying for the lifestyle and health benefits it assures you, no matter where you are at any point in time. This becomes even more important when you consider that mild dehydration impacts sleep quality, mental health, blood pressure, weight issues, and heart-related conditions.
Essentially, packaging drinking water doesn’t just address your thirst issues but plays an active role in ensuring your good health, without requiring you to pause your busy schedule and go in search of safe drinking water. It even keeps you from binge eating or opting for sugar-rich and fizzy drinks, which might tempt you in the absence of easy access to safe drinking water.
Impact on environment
Sustainable consumption is the need of the hour. And buying packaged drinking water is no exception to this universal need. Hence, when buying packaged drinking water and evaluating its price, you also need to consider how the brand is committed to sustainability, packaging waste management, and recycling. This is because when companies choose to ignore these important factors, they put the planet, resources, and people at risk for the long-term. Hence, as a consumer, you need to play an active role in supporting such endeavours from trusted packaged drinking water brands. Needless to say, the price attached to a packaged drinking water is the only way such companies can afford to invest in sustainable processes and initiatives. As a value-conscious consumer, you need to respect this fact.
To recap, there are several factors you need to consider which require you to go beyond face value and read the labels carefully. You need to make an informed decision about the value a brand offers against a packaged drinking water bottle’s price. Basis your personal priorities, you can then make an informed decision and choice. This can go a long way in ensuring you do not feel cheated or duped in the long run, and take home a product that delivers on your drinking water needs.
In fact, you should share your insights with friends and family who are equally value conscious and have been opting for packaging drinking water purely at its face value. This can go a long in building a community that appreciates natural resources, and contributes to its safeguarding.