1 Gravity Review- Eating Habits to Control hair fall
There are 3 stages in the hair’s growth cycle, growth phase, Transitional phase, and the resting phase. There are approximately 1000 days in growth face. After that, fickle Remains for 100 days, then the shedding process starts, and after it new hair grows out in their place. As per 1 Gravity Review So, It is crucial to understand that shedding of hair is a normal process. But on the other hand, stress or illness, causes a considerable number of follicles to be permanently pushed to the shedding phase while there is no single hair to replace them. This is a situation when hair fall becomes a permanent problem in one’s life.
This problem can be catered efficiently through the intake of the right diet. To understand what we have to eat for hair, we need to understand what our hair is made of. Keratin ( A Protein ) is a primary component in our hair, and others are amino acids, water and raw elements, to make good keratin which is a primary component of our hair, We must eat such food which is rich in protein Vitamin A & D. to give amino acid to our body. 1 Gravity Review said this means we must intake such a portion of food in our daily routine Which provide enough quantity of right nutrition and boost our hair growth and make them thicker. Let us see how it could be possible?
Eating for healthy hair :
Following is a detail of food items that we need to intake to promote our hair health in different manners
We know that our hair is 91% protein, and if we ignore the protein in our daily food it will ultimately damage our hair growth which will cause our hair to become weak, and they will break easily. Foods that are rich in protein are eggs, cortege cheese, chicken.
Omega 3 :
According to 1 Gravity Review it is a natural lubricant for the scalp, which can help stop and even reverse hair fall. We know that it is something that our body does not produce, so it is crucial to include this in our diet plan. The rich sources for omega 3 are sardines and salmon, While some people thinks that fish is the only source of omega 3. There is some vegetarian source also that includes Omega 3. For examples, Walnuts, Chia seeds, Almonds, Flax seeds and Canola oil.
Iron :
Iron is another ingredient which has its importance in hair growth. Iron has nutrients and oxygen, which helps to strengthen our hair growth. So, If we are not taking a sufficient amount of iron, our hair will not receive the necessary nutrients to make them strong and healthy. Some of the iron-rich foods that we can add in our menu are Broccoli, Red meat.
Vitamin A
Natural conditioner sebum is produced in our body in the help of vitamin A. Deficiency in the quantity of vitamin a can result in our hair becoming dry and cause flaky scalp. A rich source of vitamin A in our food are Carrot, Papaya, Pumpkin. Drinking Carrot juice is one of the easiest ways for excellent hair growth.
To conclude if we want to have a good and healthy hair, we must have to take care of our daily food menu and adjust it to provide us with all necessary supplement that is required for good hair growth. It has no concern whether you are a vegetarian or non-vegetarian its only the nutrition which is the key for your hair growth.